Our products are a combination of many healthful ingredients that work synergistically bring you youthful skin, hair and health, but our marine collagen is the core anti aging powerhouse.
Collagen is the most abundant type of protein in our bodies that makes up our bones, muscles, skin, and hair. Think of them as gatekeepers of moisture in our cells that keep our cells hydrated, dewy and plump. Without collagen to hold the walls of our cells upright, our cells lose structure, growing weaker, stretchier, and thinner.
Unfortunately, time and our environment (pollution, smoking, eating fried foods) cause our body produce less and less of collagen (a rate of 1.5% a year), leading to wrinkles, dark circles, cellulite, and even hair loss. Adding collagen into our diet, however, have been clinically proven to offset some of that aging process.
Skin |
As the main building block of our skin, collagen provides elasticity and support, as well as regeneration of new cells.
Conducted by CPCAD (independent clinical pharmacology center in Nice, France) and controlled by certified dermatologists, respondents who took our collagen for four weeks saw ~21% increased skin firmness.
Tokyo Medical and Dental University found that age-related DNA damage triggers the destruction of a protein called Collagen 17A1. When stem cells in hair follicles are damaged by age, they turn themselves into skin. Over time, this happens to more and more stem cells, causing hair follicles to shrink and eventually disappear.
By ingesting collagen, you could counter some of this damage and support your cells with amino acids vital for thick hair: proline, glycine, arginine and hydroxyproline.
Bones & Joints |
Collagen is also the go-to medication for those with joint and bone diseases, as it reduces pain and improves mobility by stimulating the biosynthesis of type II collagen, the foundation of cartilage.
Muscles |
Ingesting collagen, the main structural protein of muscles, facilitates new regeneration of cells— as well as helping us feel satiated and full longer. |
You know by now that collagen is the foundation of healthy skin that keeps it plum, firm and supple. And what leads to more collagen production? Amino acids.
Amino acids are building blocks of protein that are essential for cell regeneration. Think of them as little boxcars of train that link together to create an entire protein train (with some other essentials).
The more you feed your skin amino acids (glycine,proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine), the more your body naturally produces collagen.
Without amino acids, you'll see:
- Rough, thin skin
- An inability to retain hydration in skin
- A dull complexion
- Loss of elasticity in skin
- Increased body fat
- Digestive problems
- Low energy levels
- A slower rate of healing
- Lack of keratin (aka weaker hair)
Made mostly in the liver, amino acids are crucial nutrients that the body makes into larger molecules to serve healthy healing of skin tissue, muscles bones and hair, as well as helping with collagen production.
As the skin is constantly repairing itself, it constantly needs more amino acids (the body doesn’t store amino acids / protein like it stores fats).
Amino acids are crucial for both healthy skin and a healthy body. They promote collagen production, fat burning and a healthy pH balance, increase hydration, reduce the effects of aging and keep the hair and nails healthy. Without amino acids, skin lacks nutrition and its tone and texture become rough and dull.
Because amino acids naturally diminish with age, it’s important to feed the body with them daily so that it can remain in a constant state of repair and replenishment.
Although the body makes plenty of amino acids (~20), it also needs essential amino acids, which must be obtained through food or supplements. The 8 amino acids you need:
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Lysine
- Methionine
- Phenylalaline
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
- Valine
These 8 essential amino acids further assist in the stimulation of collagen and elastin production and other functions. Even if just one is missing, the body can’t repair itself and create new proteins.
Because it's so difficult to source the necessary amounts daily from food (meats, nuts, beans, lentils, and dairy products) without worrying about all of the byproducts that come with those amino acids, it's recommended that we also look to outside sources for these building blocks.
Source: NewBeauty Spring / Summer 2017
As a results driven brand, we wanted to bring you as much information and transparency as possible behind the numbers behind our benefits.
Long story short: This study below found that our marine collagen effectively improved skin firmness, reduced wrinkles, and indicated a preventive effect on skin dehydration— all with almost zero side effects.
But for those who are a bit more skeptical, here's a clinical study up close and personal:
This clinical study was double-blind, randomized, and against a placebo. With the objective of evaluating the anti-aging potential of daily collagen intake, 5g (half of our daily serving!) was mixed with liquid and ingested every morning. This study was conducted by CPCAD (an independent pharmacology center), with certified dermatologists taking biomechnical measurements of volunteers.
Using a device that uses various lights (white light, cross polarized light, parallel polarized light and UVA light), the shadow created by the wrinkles were measured of those surveyed were taken pre and post trial:
Using a cutometer, skin's extensibility (aka stretchiness when you pinch it) was measured :
This study was performed according to French regulatory competent authority (ANSM) and approved by the local Ethical Committee. Consent was obtained from each subject before entry.
Although supplements are unable to be regulated by the FDA, we made sure that our manufacturers and suppliers sourced only the most premium, high quality ingredients, so that you would never have to question what you are putting inside your body.
Our collagen process is so transparent that you would be able to trace every step it took from the farm (in France), to get to you. How many times can you say that about the protein you ingest?

Not all collagen is created equal (and they're definitely not sourced all the same).
Our collagen is 100% fish— carbohydrate free, fat free, purine free, cholesterol free, OGM free, and preservative free.
Some other types of collagen and sources are:
- Marine collagen, aka from fish skin and scales
- Bovine collagen, aka sourced from cow hides
- Aviary collagen, sourced from chicken bones
- Porcine collagen, sourced from pig skin
In addition to being the smallest type and the most bioavailable type of collagen (and therefore the most effective), marine collagen is also the most environmentally sustainable, as collagen comes from "unwanted" parts of the fish that would have been thrown away otherwise.
In addition to our own clinical studies,
- Various studies "have found that 2.5–5 grams of collagen hydrolysate used among women aged 35–55 once daily for eight weeks significantly improved skin elasticity, skin moisture, dryness, all with little to no side effects.
- A 2008 study in Tokyo [14] of 33 women ages 40-60 who took 10g of Hydrolyzed Collagen daily for 2 months showed 91% saw an increase in skin hydration and resilience.
- A Dermiscan study in Lyon France in 2008 showed similar findings in an age group of 35-55: an increase in skin smoothness and hydration, using the Corneometer and Skin Image Analyzer technologies. [15,16]
- After 12 weeks of 10g Hydrolyzed Collagen daily, 41% less furrowing, less wrinkles, more resilient, more hydrated.
- Skin resilience was measured by the C&Z Cutometer, Hydrolyzed Collagen also increases the diameter of collagen fibrils in the dermis by the same mechanism: fibroblast stimulation. This in turn increases cohesion of the dermal collagen fibers themselves, which is a true anti-aging step. In the skin, this action means increased thickness, suppleness and resilience, as well as hydration.
- A deeper look into what happens to our skin underneath:
Oesser S Seifert J. (2003): Stimulation of type II collagen biosynthesis and secretion in bovine chondrocytes cutured with degraded collagen. Cell Tissue Res. 311 (3) : 393-9.
Oesser S et al (1999) : Oral administration of 14C labeled gelatin hydrolysate leads to an accumulation of radioactivity in cartilage of mice (C57/BL). Nutrient matabolism 129, 1891-1895.
Deal Cl, Moskowitz RW (1999): Nutraceuticals as therapetic agents in osteoarthritis. The role of glycosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and collagen hydrolysate. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 25 (2) : 379-95
Moskowitz RW (2000): Role of Collagen hydrolysate in bone and joint disease. Semin Arthritis Rheum.. 30 (2) : 87-99. Takeda et al 1982 (1982) : ACute and subacute toxicity studies on collagen wound dressing (CAS) in mice and rats. J Toxicol Sci. 7 (2): 63-91.
Pesakova V, Stol M, Adam M. (1990) : Comparison of the influence of gelatine and collagen substrates on growth of chondrocytes. Folia Biol. 36 (5): 264-70. Novotna et al. (1991): The role of cartilage minor collagens in inducing arthritis. Z. Rheumato. 50 (2): 93-8.